而KEDA期待「大女人」的代名詞,從女孩長成女人,期許自己成為「大女人」, 學習成為最閃耀的存在。我們為悅己而容,為美麗而追求。
"fashion is how life goes on, style is how you live with."
K stands for power, Eda stands for confidence, independent, and wealth.
We, KEDA fashion, want to represent "Remarkable Women" We grew up from little girls to women, hoping to become big women and glowing in the most beautiful age. We dress up, pursue beauty for ourselves.
Desires give us freshness. Don't want to be bounded by rationality. For all these we pick dozens of clothes for those who want to be one of the remarkable women. We will be the best partner while you work hard or the gift when you feel tired.